Helping you release potential in yourself and others





Douglas G Long & Associates

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Leadership and Change Consultants

The role of leadership is to create an environment in which everyone can be successful. Leadership in any organisation is the sum of all activities of everyone who has any responsibility as a leader.

Over the ages there have been several generations of leadership.

First Generation Leadership (command and control) is the oldest and most common form of leadership practiced. In this form of leadership, the leader is in control and must be obeyed. Failure to obey results in penalties for followers. Its key term is "you will ..."

Second Generation Leadership emerged from the late 1940's with the rise of humanistic psychology. It is based on the premise that, if you treat people with consideration you have a far greater likelihood of achieving desired results. Its key term is "will you ..."

Third Generation Leadership has been emerging since the late 1980's as the rise of the internet and social networking created an entirely new environment in which organisations operate. Engagement of all people at all levels and areas in an organisation is central to this approach. Its key term is "how can we ..."

The concept of Third Generation Leadership was developed by Douglas Long and information about the concept is found in "Third Generation Leadership and the Locus of Control: Knowledge, Change, and Neuroscience", 2012, Gower Publishing Limited, Farnham, England.


Listen to an interview explaining the concept


How to implement Third Generation Leadership, together with a case study, was then explained in "Delivering High Performance: The Third Generation Organisation", 2013, Gower Publishing Limited, Farnham, England.


Click on the image below to hear an interview with Douglas Long on Delivering High Performance



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Copyright © 2012 Douglas G Long & Associates
Last modified: 10-Nov-2014